That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but with the shorter days, it's getting harder to run at "night." A planned 5:30 run turned into a 6:10 run and it seemed like we pounded the pavement for an hour to just end up where we started from.
Maybe part of it was to get out some pent-up energy. It's not that I was being lazy all day - I woke up early to meet my parents downtown, went to another state for brunch, did some window shopping and still felt sluggish enough to go for a 6-mile run. Maybe part of it was to just get home so I could spend time with my lonely puppy. But there was definitely a part of me that wanted to get out of the park at night - even if I did have my running buddy with me.
Or maybe, I just wanted an excuse to eat. The taper period is always so interesting for me because I eat a lot - a lot more than normal, too which isn't a good thing when you're not running as much, but certainly helps with the carbo loading. I know I'm two weeks out, but this is where nutrition becomes just as important as the weeks of training that I've done up until now. If I don't have enough fuel for the race, I'm not going to enjoy the marathon at all. Just because I'm hungry at Mile 18 doesn't mean that I'm going to pick up the pace and "sprint" the next 8.2 miles - it's just not possible and there aren't enough gels in the world to make up for good solid Greek food at the end of the race.
P.S. I just got my bib number so weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! - race day is almost here. and eeeeeeeeeeeek!! - race day is almost here. But, I am going to make such a feast for next week that I've already starting the grocery list.
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